we colour our life

we colour our life

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just get started with blog...

Nama diberi NuRuL AtHiRah HaRun.. can call me Teerah.. baru belajar membuat blog.. selama ni kononnye busy ngan study, so takde masa nak buat blog. Then, terasa macam penatnye asyik belajar je... therefore trying to learn something new... bila tengok orang lain ada blog, macam best jek, so nak buat jugak la..
Currently a student, studying in IIUM, Kuantan Pahang.. but i live in K.L.. To be precise, i'm a 3rd year student, Bachelor of Optometry and Visual Science.. (peritnye tekak nak tulis name course tu..., it is tough actually). 3 years in Kuantan, banyak jugak la kisah suka duka, riang ria and sometimes bosan jugak. pelbagai ragam dan keletah kehidupan telah dijumpai, dilihat, ditafsir dan dipelajari... telah ramai kenalan tak kira usia, pangkat dan status... people come and go in our life, but we will never be the same.. ok enough bout Kuantan, tak berminat utk teruskan setakat ni.. i'm home ok..
Baru sampai rumah (15 nov, 6pm).. feel really exhausted dalam perjalanan meghabiskan sem ni.. what a relieve can be at home sweet home.. rumahku syurgaku...kat rumah, living with my beloved MAMA, ABAH, AbAnG and AdIK.. my another beloved Abg AYish still in Nagaoka studying mechanical engineering there.. beside my house, is my unty n my cousin's house...seronokkan, sedare mare sebelah2 rumah jek.. hehe..
k la, think thats all for starting... atleast, for now..

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